Sunday, April 8, 2012

What a Week!

This week was GREAT!

Saturday morning Alex, Hayden and I went to Another Broken Egg Cafe for
breakfast to let Sam rest. They didn't get home until 2 am Saturday morning!

We came home and went down to the reservoir to fish. Hayden caught a 4 lb. Catfish! And, Priscilla chased a Canadian goose, and almost ended up in the water! Alex and I played on the quilt for awhile, then walked home and let the boys finish up. We had crock pot Pork Roast for dinner. It was fantastic! I took the roast, 1 pack of Ranch dressing, 1 can of Cream of Chicken Soup and one can of Water and let the crock work it's magic! (I served it over rice. The recipe is on my Pinterest!)

Sunday was Alex's first trip to the Nursery. They said he was great and wanted him back! So far, he's not gotten sick...yet! The afternoon brought more fishing for Sam and Hayden. They went to a friends house and caught several bass. They cleaned the fish Sunday night and we fried them up Monday. Hayden was super excited about eating something he just caught!

Monday we started our Landscaping renovations...its great to have a strong child willing to help! :) (And cheap labor too! I paid him $.50 per plant and he went to work!) We got 12 shrubs in the ground before the flood gates opened and we got a horrible storm! The front yard is starting to look really good. I'll post pictures soon!

Tuesday afternoon Hayden went Turkey hunting for the first time! They didn't see anything, but he perfected his turkey call.

Wednesday we prepared for The Garners visit. Hayden's mom Catherine, his brothers Gavin (4) and Lawton (2) and Sister London (6) came over for the first time. They all had so much fun. It was great for the kids to see where Hayden stayed and what he did while he's here. He had to adjust to sharing his space here! Thursday we took all the kids to get their pictures made during Alex's 4 month session. I cannot wait to see the photos, Amy (Amy Johnson Photography) is so patient and kind, I highly recommend her for kid's and family pictures!

Thursday afternoon, Sam took Hayden, London and Gavin to the pool, and sent Catherine and I to get our nails done! (Em kept Alex and Lawton) He's a keeper for sure! They were all worn out and took naps while I got dinner ready. Teresia, Greg and Mamo came over for dinner Thursday night and the kids had movie night.

Friday they left for home and we got the house in order and started stripping beds/doing laundry. This weekend We were able to visit with our great friends Kimberly and Lex! It's always great to see them.

Church this morning was great, Pastor Rob did a fantastic job as always, feeding us the truth. We went to Sam's aunt Liz's this afternoon for too much food and a great family visit. The weather has been so good this weekend we've spent alot of time outside.

Here are some recent random shots. Alex loves his jumpy. The best part about it is the mirror, which is also his favorite snack!

And last, but not least, mother Priscilla! She used to lay in front of Hayden's door if Sam wasn't home and he in his room sleeping. With both boys here, she got confused about where to lay, so she lays on the rug in the living room so she can look at the hallway to both their rooms!

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