Friday, February 17, 2012

So I decided to start a blog...not that I have time, but I thought if I can find time to read them, I can find time to write them! I also think it will be the easiest way to keep everyone updated on the latest happeneings in our life!

This was a busy week for A-man...he started Rice Cereal and Bananas on Sunday! He loved it!

(So did his chair, bib, hands, my shirt!) It's gotten better each day though. He eats cereal and bananas at 10, 2, and 6, and takes a bottle at 6am and 10pm...Here are some pictures of his first cereal adventure!

Today was a treat! He slept until 7:30! He didn't nap well yesterday, so when I put him down at 10:30 last night, he was asleep before I could walk into our bedroom!

This was also his first Valentines day! My friend Nicole sent a sweet onesie for him to wear and his GG and Bompa sent a stuffed bear for him to love on. He did!

My mom is coming for a visit Sunday...It's time for a little spring cleaning, so it will be great to have her help!

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