For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
8 Years ago this month, I became a Mother. (or a Bonus Mom or a 2nd Mom, and possibly my favorite, His Kelly Jo) Hayden was 1 1/2 when Sam and I got married. Shortly before I met Sam, I prayed that God would send me a man that would understand and willingly accept some health issues I had and would have in the future that may make it difficult for me to conceive. In walks Sam and this 10 month old miracle of a boy that has not stopped amazing me since the day I met him. Watching Hayden grow into a Christ-loving, Christ-Like young man will forever be one of the greatest joys of my life. About 4 years ago, the three of us went to the pool one afternoon. It started raining so we ran home. The boys stayed outside and had a blast. (Side Note...I had been struggling around this time with wanting more children and how I was going to have them.) It was at this moment I realized God sent me EXACTLY what I asked for with these two. I was at complete peace with our little family and would be happy with my blessings if we stayed a family of 3...Plus Priscilla!
Fast forward to January of 2010. My Doctor had serious reservations about me being able to carry a child to term, but agreed that I was healthy enough to try! We tried, and prayed, and we tried, and we got tested and prayed, and had blood work and got poked and prayed and tried some more for 14 months. My Doctor discovered I don't ovulate every month and it's hit or miss when I do, so we'd just have to keep trying. We did and Precious Alex was born in November of 2011. What a gift!
In April of this year, Sam and I had a conversation about extending our family. Our thought process and conversation went something like this:
Sam "Well, let's get of birth control now, knowing you probably won't get pregnant easily and in 8 or 10 months, we'll get focused and try"
Me: "Sounds Good"
Me, two weeks later: "I got Pizza for dinner, and got us a dessert. I didn't want it, but the Baby did!"
Sam points to Alex: "That Baby?"
Me: "No, New Baby"
Sam: Gives me a high five
So, I know God has a plan, but I've recently realized he has a sense of humor too! Baby Riden #3 will be here around January 28th. This little miracle is growing fast, is healthy and doing great! Two babies in 14 months! I'm taking baby-sitting applications now! :)